• Jake Phelps Angel Dust Collection

    Jake Phelps Angel Dust Collection
    Jake was the King of Captions. If you skate, the odds are you use some of the phrases and terminology he wrote in the mag. His short essays also have their own thoughtful vibe. Here is a collection of Angel Dust columns he wrote betwen 1994 and 2011.
  • Jake Phelps Art Tributes

    Jake Phelps Art Tributes
    Jake Phelps is forever a part of skating's DNA at this point. There is no separation between his spirit and the activity itself. For the next three days we will unroll several features in his honor. Today, we showcase hundreds of amazing art tributes. Thursday we will post his collected Angel Dust essays. And on Friday we have a monumental feature based on his June 2019 memorial mag. Thanks for the love and let's keep rolling!
  • Rough Cut: Independent's "Scabs for Slabs" Video

    Rough Cut: Independent's "Scabs for Slabs" Video
    This was one of Jake’s last rides and the mission sure as hell didn’t disappoint. This Oz raw edit is a testament to the eternal stoke of skateboarding. Cherish your time with your homies!
  • 2nd Annual Lower Bob’s P-Stone Invitational Video

    2nd Annual Lower Bob’s P-Stone Invitational Video
    The sun was bright, the revvs were high, and Oakland’s concrete sanctuary of the skate Gods was alive with the spirit of the recently departed. Fix yourself a coffee, grab a snack and enjoy the show.
  • Independent's "Scabs for Slabs" Video

    Independent's "Scabs for Slabs" Video
    Jake at the helm with a gang of heavyweights in tow—this Indy trip to OZ is pure destruction on all levels.
  • Independent's "Scabs for Slabs" Article

    Independent's "Scabs for Slabs" Article
    Indy brought a stacked crew Down Under for one of Jake’s last rides and the guys sure as hell didn’t disappoint. Who do you think was eating scabs in exchange for beer? Guess you gotta read to find out, kid.
  • CA State Senate Adjourns in Memory of Jake Phelps

    CA State Senate Adjourns in Memory of Jake Phelps
    Led by District 11 Senator Scott Wiener, the California State Senate adjourns in memory of Jake Phelps. Legendary!
  • Death Match 2019 Austin Video

    Death Match 2019 Austin Video
    As is tradition, we descended on Austin during SXSW for three days of shredding and music. The pit was lit, the ramp went ballistic, and we all raged in the name of Jake Phelps. Thank you to No-Comply skateshop and Vans for helping us keep the revs high in Texas every year.
  • Built for Speed

    Built for Speed
    Back in 2011 P-Stone put together this collection of Jake footage. We all know about his barging abilities, but the old man had a deep bag of tricks! Lemmy on the track, Phelper on the stuntwood. Skate and Destroy.
  • RIP IN PEACE: Jake Phelps

    RIP IN PEACE: Jake Phelps
    Jake Phelps was 100% skateboarder, but that label sells him way too short, because beyond his enormous influence in our world, he was truly an individual beyond this world. There was no myth. The man was the myth. We love you, Jake. —Tony Vitello