• Skatepark Round-Up: Stay Flared

    Skatepark Round-Up: Stay Flared
    With two squads this talented at a park this smooth, all you have to do is point a camera and capture a make. This is gonna be a great tour.
  • Burnout: Flareshadowing

    Burnout: Flareshadowing
    The must-see demo tour of the summer sparked off yesterday - Lakai and Emerica's Stay Flared extravaganza. This is skateboarding? Yeah right!
  • Thrasher Skate Loteria

    Thrasher Skate Loteria
    No matter how much board control you have, skating will always contain an element of chance. So, check out this photofeature of skaters trying their luck with Loteria, a game that has been played for centuries.
  • Lakai: A Session in Guymar

    Lakai: A Session in Guymar
    Watch the dudes lace up the new GUYMAR and hit Sheldon for a test drive. 
  • Plan B's "True" Premiere Photos

    Plan B's "True" Premiere Photos
    The wait is over! Last night the Plan B video "True" premiered in Hollywood at the Montalban theater. Check out some photos here.
  • Best of KOTR: Barefoot

    Best of KOTR: Barefoot
    It feels strange and can be fun for a minute, but skating barefoot is straight-up gnarly and can take you out quick. Here's the best barefoot skating in KOTR history including Grant, Raven, and Jamie Thomas with sick enders.
  • Bru Ray's "Relapse Of Luxury" Yardsale

    Bru Ray's "Relapse Of Luxury" Yardsale
    It was one of the heaviest road crews of all time. And with the hardcore edits finished, here's some of the more loose and fun outtakes. What a trip, thanks everyone.
  • Bru Ray's "Relapse Of Luxury" Part 5

    Bru Ray's "Relapse Of Luxury" Part 5
    "Street, we do that too-top rope parachute nightmare." —Jake Phelps
  • Bru Ray's "Relapse Of Luxury" Part 3

    Bru Ray's "Relapse Of Luxury" Part 3
    "Montana is the last of the big dogs. Ozar on high."  –Jake Phelps
  • Bru Ray's "Relapse Of Luxury" Part 2

    Bru Ray's "Relapse Of Luxury" Part 2
    It starts with an epic mini ramp session, then makes its way to some tall 'crete, and before you know it CK1 is skating vert, padless. There is no way you won't go skate after watching this...