Rick Rossi Park Attack

Rick Rossi blazes through four different parks in the latest offering from Landshark Wheels.

  • 7 Seconds with Kyle Berard

    7 Seconds with Kyle Berard
    Svitak had Kyle Berard over to skate his mini. Watch the clip here.
  • Parking Block Contest Recap

    Parking Block Contest Recap
    Watch Kris Markovich destroy his way to first place in the Veterans division at the 1031/Landshark Parking Block Contest.
  • 1031/Landshark - Parking Block Contest

    1031/Landshark - Parking Block Contest
    Here's a clip of the 1031 Skateboards/Landshark Wheels parking block contest in Somerville, MA. featuring live music from legendary pro skater Fred Smith's band, The Loud Ones.
  • Rick Rossi Re-Edit Contest

    Rick Rossi Re-Edit Contest
    Enter your edit of Rick Rossi's footage for a chance to win a full box of 1031 and landshark products. Details here.
  • 7 Seconds with Bill Danforth

    7 Seconds with Bill Danforth
    Bill Danforth tries to ride Svitak's mini in this clip from Landshark and 1031.