• September 2005

    September 2005
    Cover: Rick Howard – Backside Ollie Photo: MorfInside This Mag: Damn Am at 3rd Lair, Volcom in NYC with Dustin Dollin, Shane Cross, Javier Sarmiento, Chima Ferguson and more, an interview with Jim Greco, Fourstar Japan, and the Zero and Mystery European tour 2005Also In This Issue: Artist Lucian Moon, interviews with Og De Sauza and Rodney JonesMusic Articles: Iggy Pop, LCD Soundsystem, Bear vs. Shark, Beauty Pill, Team Sleep, Miami
  • August 2005

    August 2005
    Cover: Anthony Van Engelen - Switch Crooks Photo: BlabacInside This Mag: Consolidated Baja tour with Brian Heck, Emeric Pratt, Roberto Aleman, Steve Bailey, Karma Tsocheff, Seth McCallum and more and a Texas trip with Chad Bartie, Matt Mumford and moreAlso In This Issue: The saga of the Channel Street skatepark in San Pedro, the FTC Flatground Invitational, artist Jason Graham, interviews with Mark Gutterman and Dallas Rockvan and some Florida skate shotsMusic Articles: Bane, The Velvet Teen, Hightower, Dr. Dog, Single Frame, Magnolia Electric Co. and Glasses Malone
  • July 2005

    July 2005
    Artwork By: Neck FaceInside This Mag: Interview with Neck Face, Peter Ramondetta, Bob's Birthday/Flip in Australia and Phoenix Am Also In This Issue: Hawaii with Omar and an interview with Leo Romero Music Articles: Ratatat, Armor For Sleep, Les Claypool, Defcon 4, SXSW, Roger Miret and Aggression
  • June 2005

    June 2005
    Cover: Paul Rodriguez – Switch Flip 50-50 Photo: BurnettInside This Mag: Thrasher's 2005 Am Hot List, Australia trip with Forbes, Paul Rodriguez, Dustin Dollin and more Also In This Issue: The Banana FarmMusic Articles: The Minutemen, Last of the Blacksmiths, Tim Version, A-Frames, Jeff Parker and RPG
  • May 2005

    May 2005
    Cover: Danny Way – Switch Crooked Grind Photo: SturtInside This Mag: Thrasher's 2005 Skater of the Year Danny Way, Mark Appleyard passes the torch, 2004 T-Eddy Awards and SOTYs that should-have-been Mark Gonzales, Pat Duffy, Chad Muska and Jamie Thomas Also In This Issue: Interviews with Bastien Salabanzi, Zered Bassett, Darrell Stanton, Paul Rodriguez and Chris ColeMusic Articles: Fat Mike, Street Dogs, Lamb of God, Dios Malos, DJ Vlad, Shadows Fall, Mistah F.A.B. and Billy Reese Peters
  • April 2005

    April 2005
    Cover: Geoff Rowley – 360 Ollie Photo: SturtInside This Mag: Interview with Geoff Rowley, a weekend at Trey Winslow's, Tampa Am article of hate and Skater of the Year party for Danny WayAlso In This Issue: Jake Phelps' trip to Australia and interviews with Fabrizio Santos and Jake DuncombeMusic Articles: the Rapture, Angry Amputees, Burning Brides, Kev Kelley, Del Cielo, Oer the Ramparts, Operatic and Neurosis
  • March 2005

    March 2005
    Cover: Paul Machnau – Backside Tailslide Photo: Nick ScrurichInside This Mag: Adventures in Central and South America with Fowler, Keegan and more and an interview with Paul MachnauAlso In This Issue: European vacation portraits and skating in CheyenneMusic Articles: The Used, Isis, Almighty Do Me A Favor, French Kicks, Beepbeep, Electric Frankenstein and Hectic
  • February 2005

    February 2005
    Cover: Rune Glifberg – Backside Ollie Photo: BurnettInside This Mag: Damn Am 2004, the Enjoi tour and interviews with Jani Laitiala, Kurtis Colamonico, Chad Tim TimAlso In This Issue: Emil Hillding's trip from Rhode Island to Washington, the 15 most loved skaters of all time and skate astrologyMusic Articles: Interpol, Pinback, the Ponys, Pine Hill Haints, Breather Resist, Mr. Vegas and Only Crime
  • Theotis Knows...

    Theotis Knows...
    Theotis Beasley knows half cab kickflips, check out his new thunder video.
  • January 2005

    January 2005
    Cover: Jon Allie – Kickflip Frontside Tailslide Photo: MorfInside This Mag: Black Pear Skatepark on Grand Cayman Island, El Beardo's Summer 2004 wrap up, Barcelona trip with Spanky, Bryan Herman and more and interviews with JT Aultz, Jason Adams and Vanessa TorresAlso In This Issue: Nine-year-old Nyjah Huston and Thrasher's Class of 2004 Music Articles: Duff McKagan of Guns 'N' Roses, Of Montreal and more